27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

InstaFriday: My Week in Pictures

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Great maxi dress at Target, but sadly they didn't have it in my size. This one was too large for me.  :(

This got this ottoman at Target for $10.98! It was missing the tag and was bouncing around the the clearance shelves for a couple of months until I saw it, new it had to be cheap, and had an employee track down a price for it. This gray beauty now lives in my entry.

Greek dinner: Falafel Sandwich.

Just my cat taking a nap in my arms. So precious.

What do you know? Shopping at Target. One of my favorite things to do. I don't usually buy a bunch of stuff, but I like to look around.

Daughter's new maxi dress.

Mmmm...Baskin Robbins birthday cake.

Having a homemade latte.

We went to Disneyland, this is the new look of the Disneyland Hotel lobby. Sweet tea cup seating!

I made a frozen toaster waffle look fancy. Very easy to do!

Attempting to colorblock.

Latte in Old Town San Diego. I am currently in a hypothyroid swing and by 10:00AM all energy and life has been sucked out of me and this is the first time where I felt like I need coffee to get through the day. Perhaps that is why you see so many latte photos this week.   :)

I love this makeup brush set for obvious reasons. #aqua

life rearranged

I've Been Baking & Cooking. Here's What I Made This Week!

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I have been baking and cooking a loy lately and thought I would share a collection of photos of what I have been up to. As an brand ambassador for AllRecipes.com I was asked to make three Al Fresco Chicken recipes this month. This is the Greek Salad with Spinach Feta Chicken Sausage.

Earlier this week I made Garlic Chicken Sausage and Summer Vegetable Saute.

This was the Liguini with Roasted Vegetables and Tomato Basil Chicken Meatballs, which I might add was delicious.

I whipped up some Cream Filled Cupcakes aka Hostness Cupcakes for my husband to take to work.

This was something different that I came across but wanted to try it since I had all of the ingredients. It is the Grilled Brie & Apple Sandwich  from the GoBoldWithButter.com website I found through AllRecipes.

My signature strawberry almond vanilla smoothie. It is great that I am throw this tasty drink together quickly.

This month I was also asked to make my favorite cocktail on AllRecipes.com as a brand ambassador. My drink of choice would be champagne. We don't keep any hard liquors in our home, so I searched through many champagne cocktail recipes which I have to say there is a lot to choose from!

I settled on the Champagne Cocktail recipe because the recipe didn't have any reviews or photos yet it sounded delicious. This drink is made with champagne, vanilla ice cream, and lemonade. (I used pink lemonade.)

Feeling inspired one morning, I decided to make a frozen toaster waffle but make it look like a breakfast you would be served at a nice retaurant.

I want to show you all that it is easy to do at home with a little creativity you can serve your guests, or a loved one a speical breakfast at home that looks and tastes good.

Well.....I had an open bottle of champagne so I have to use it up, right? I made another champagne cocktail.

This one is called Pomosa which is pomegrante and champagne. (I used a sprarkling pomegrante juice in mine. )

My drink of choice lately: Cold Chai or known as an Iced Chai at Starbucks. I have been making them at home since they are super easy to make. Equal parts of liquid chai concentrate and milk.

Put it in your to-go cup and your on your way and saving money.

I made this grilled cheese with brie, swiss, onions, and tomatos. I butter the bread with Compound Herb Butter from GoBoldWithButter.com This butter recipe is a must try!

~Enjoy! MySweetCreations.

Going Bold With Butter

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I recently discovered the Go Bold With Butter website through AllRecipes.com  Margarine is not an substitute in this house as we always use real butter.I made a few recipes from their Bold With Butter website that we are crazy about!

These are the Salt-Roasted Potatos we made for dinner last night. We opted to grill these instead of bake them in the oven.  They turned out great!

The Cinnamon Toast Scones are a keeper in out house. My husband couldn't believe how delicious they were and asked if I could make this recipe on a regular basis. I highly recommend this recipe!

I was intrigued by the Compound Herb Butter recipe because I never thought to mix in herbs to flavor it. I am totally hooked on this recipe and I have been using it on toast, grilled cheese, and sandwiches.

I even used the Compound Herb Butter on our corn on the cob that we grilled last night with the Salt-Roasted Potatos. I am glad to have been introduced to GoBoldWithButter.com because I found some truly amazing recipes that will be made over and again in our home.


**As a voluntary brand ambassador for AllRecipes.com, I was asked to try recipes made with real butter and GoBoldWithButter.com  The opinions and photos are that of my own. I honestly love these recipes!**


MySweetCreations: Life on The Farm Before The Big City

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You know me as MySweetCreations, but my real name is Kelly. You may or may not know that I grew up on a farm in Iowa. There were no after school activities for us aswe rode the school bus to and from school each day. Each evening I was expected to do chores with my father. I filled feed buckets, scraped manure from the crates where the hogs were kept with their babies, and scraped and shoveled the hog floors. On the weekends we often had to rotate the pigs to or from crates in the barn depending on their gestational stage, back the mixer mill up to the corn bin and grind feed, and I had to catch piglets to get their teeth and tails cut.
My fun in the summer consisted of cutting grass on our John Deere riding lawn mower. We had a rather large yard and it would take a couple of hours to get the job done. I happily put on my headphones and got to work. As I got older my father taught me how to drive the tractor. One of my favorite jobs was to go out to our fields and pick up the large round bales and bring them close to home. It would take all day for several days running back and forth on the tractor, but I loved it.
Sure there were times when I complained or I would paint my nails and use it as an excuse not to do my chores, but I wouldn't have wanted to grow up any other way. I was browsing through my photos on my computer and found some taken from a couple of years ago. I live in Southern California and enjoy my big city life, but I  fly home each summer for a couple of weeks to spend time with my family. Each summer we walk around the farm and I like to reconnect with nature, animals, and the farm that built me.
My parents were primiarily hog farmers, but they usually kept a few cows.

These buckets are full of feed and they are heavy. I always carried one in each hand but my dad could manage carrying four altogether if he had to.

The smell of manure....doesn't bother me one bit. Even after all of these years it smells good to me in some ways. Believe me, I know that sounds weird, but it is hard to explain.

I had to share this picture I took of my Mom's cat. Her name is Pancake because they found her as a kitten in the ditch on the side of the road in their yard while cutting grass, scared and staying low to the ground hence her name "Pancake." She grew up these past two years to be a big full grown cat and this is how she likes to lay. It cracks me to see a cat laying around just like this! You can pet her and she doesn't find and doesn't roll over, she will continue to lay on her back.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this post! I felt like sharing a piece of me with all of you.
